Troubled Teen Issues

Teen Shoplifting

“Five finger discount”, “lifting”, “jacking”, “racking”, “nicking”, and “boosting” are some of the slang terms used for shoplifting. No matter what name is used, shoplifting is a crime. Teen shoplifting is a rising problem nationwide. Whatever reasons a teen may shoplift varies but must be addressed in a timely manner. The sooner a teen is caught for shoplifting, the sooner the teen’s behavior can be corrected before it becomes a habitual plunder down a winding path to nowhere. The […] Continue Reading…

Troubled Teen Issues

Expelled Teen

Your child has been suspended or expelled from school. Maybe this isn’t the first time. Maybe it’s not the first school. Please understand you are not alone. Hundreds of children, beginning with kindergarten age, are suspended or expelled from school each year. These are bright kids who have a lot of potential yet they enter into the type of behavior that necessitates separating them from the other students.

Each school district has its own list of behaviors for which students […] Continue Reading…

Physical Problems

STD Statistics

Teen STD Statistics

When it comes to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), the United States offers woefully inadequate education. The proof is in the fact that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 19 million new STD infections occur every year (February 2013 new information indicates this number is now 20 million). And, even more alarming, is that nearly 50 percent of these new cases happen to young people between the ages of 15 and 24. Not only that, but […] Continue Reading…

Physical Problems

Teen Sex Statistics

Teen Sex Statistics & Sex Facts

One of the things that provides many parents concern is teen sex. Most parents worry about whether their teenagers are behaving responsibly when it comes to sexual intercourse. Indeed, from worries about unplanned pregnancies to concerns over sexually transmitted diseases, many parents worry about how sexually active their teens are.

And, indeed, there is some cause for alarm. The Guttmacher Institute reports that the United States has the highest levels of teen pregnancy among developed nations. […] Continue Reading…

Physical Problems

Sexually Active Teens

Sexually Active Teens – we explore the teen sex facts and statistics. Includes info on condom use, talking to teens about sex, and more.

Teen Sex Statistics: It is no secret that teenagers in the United States are likely to be sexually active. Indeed, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report that by the age of 20, nearly 3/4 of teenagers have had sexual intercourse. But, the CDC reports, that number is declining. Among seniors in high school, the number of teenagers […] Continue Reading…

Social Problems

School Bullying Statistics

What is school bullying?
Bullying includes a wide variety of behaviors, but all involve a person or a group repeatedly trying to harm someone who is weaker or more vulnerable. It can involve direct attacks (such as hitting, threatening or intimidating, maliciously teasing and taunting, name-calling, making sexual remarks, and stealing or damaging belongings) or more subtle, indirect attacks (such as spreading rumors or encouraging others to reject or exclude someone).

How common is teen bullying?
Almost 30 percent of teens in […] Continue Reading…

Troubled Teen Issues

Teen Anger

Teen Anger and Teen Violence Statistics

There are many different statistics out showing the effects for teen anger on everything from dating to school to home life. The following are some startling statistics on teen violence:

According to more than 1 in 3 high school students, both male and female, have been involved in a physical fight. 1 in 9 of those students have been injured badly enough to need medical treatment.
The 2002 National Gang Trends Survey (NGTS) stated that […] Continue Reading…