Troubled Teen Issues

At Risk Youth

Welcome to our site! is designed for parents and teens to gather information about at risk youth and teen issues. We have created pages with statistics and resources from many different sources.

Teen issues included on this site include : teen drug abuse, teenage alcoholism, teen pregnancy, disorders, and more! We also have data on various types of schools, programs, and treatment options available to parents of at risk youth. To find more information on any of these types – Use the links at the header of each page.

There are a lot of websites out there that talk about “at risk youth”, but there is no real definition that fits this term (in our opinion). We have seen people refer to inner city kids that live in poor neighborhoods as at risk youth, but are they really more at risk than any other? Drugs, alcohol, and youth violence are prominent in almost every area of the United States. Single parent homes, dysfunctional family units, and other social issues have no boundaries either. So we’ve developed this site with a little something for everyone.

Here’s our definition of an at risk youth (this is our opinion): We believe any child that grows up in this world is “At-Risk” in some way. Children will be exposed to “sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll” at a very early age. Teens will know other kids that do drugs, drink alcohol, or smoke cigarettes. Some parents will do all they can to raise their kids right – and their kids may still make poor choices. The statistics we have gathered are amazing. At risk youth can be either sex, any race, and any age. Each “group” has a different area where they are more at risk, but they are all youth at risk.

We appreciate you coming to our site to gather resources about the issues that teens face today. We hope that you can find help for your individual situation to help your child or adolescent.